Azgrask the Cruel

Thus fell Barrak of the line of Durin's Folk, son of Torrak son of Dorrak a veteran of the War of The Dwarves and Orcs in 2793, Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain, fellow to Balin son of Fundin for whom he fought and died, and servant of the throne of King Dáin II Ironfoot and veteran of the Battle of Five Armies. His remains were buried at Amon Naugrim on April 26th, 2946. Iglishmêk mazarb. He will be avenged.

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New Loremaster Character Sheets for Roll20

Finally got around to creating a creature/NPC sheet for Loremaster use, this'll make making macros and scripts a lot easier. I'll create a pull request later today, with some luck it'll be in the official sheet list by the 28th when the sheets go live on the productions servers, until then you can get it on Github.

The Player Character sheet is of course the full sheet, where as the LM Character and Adversary sheets are for the Loremaster. And the difference between the two is that the LM Character uses has Hope points and uses the 'feat' table to roll, whereas the Adversary sheet has Hate points and uses the 'lm-feat' table to roll.

Amon Naugrim

It wasn't orcs that first visited the exhausted travelers at the foot of Amon Naugrim, but elves. Old mistrust and hatred never subsided, and little help was found, if some. Alone again in the deep, dark forest, the group started now the preparations for a long night and the uncertainty of a new dawn. A night the found them soon enough, as did Azgrask's scouts. The battle at Amon Naugrim had begun!

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Script Updates

I'm not sure they're quite ready for primetime, but I've worked over the Roll20 scripts for The One Ring a bit, mostly to work with the character sheets (one of which I've also made), that are being released later this month. With the right attribute and token setup, they'll do some of the lifting for both the Loremaster and Players. Each of the scripts has its own description embedded in the JS files, have at it.

The biggest advantage is probably having the script automatically set the weary state on characters and mooks, and using that attribute value in macros to roll on the right table for Success Dice. Shoot me an email if you're not sure how to set that up.

Kongens Forsvundne Udsendinge

Hraf, søn af Hrabin, en Ravn fra Bjerget har braft til Erebor ilde varsler: Bálin og hans fire sendebud der forlod Det Ensomme Bjerg på et ærinde er ingen steder at finde. Kongeriget under bjerget rører på sig, og Glóin selv udsender fra Søby rejsende med opgaven at finde de manglende Dværge.

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