These are the tales of the adventures of three heroes hailing from the wild lands of Rhovanion, in the third age, as told through The One Ring Role Playing Game. On these pages their fight against the shadow without and within are laid out as it is told to us.
This site is maintained by Michael The Loremaster out of New York, and the story told alongside Jens out of Brasilia, playing Haggol son of Hagrim, dwarf of The Lonely Mountain, Anders out of Cambridge playing the Barding Agmund of Dale, son of Arnulf and Tom out of Paris playing Javelin, known among his own people, The Woodmen, as Grimbald. We're all danes, who've known each other for many years, and whose lives have spread us across the world. We started playing The One Ring in early 2014, setting out from Esgaroth on a quest to find Balin and his missing company of dwarves. Occasionally a session sees a guest player, as did session IV, in which case we try to find an NPC for them to take over.
The Loremaster's Journal details our setup for playing long distance, and the solutions we find along the way, sharing both tips and tricks, as well as scripts and other tools for implementing the same things for your own game, should you want it.
We try to play every few weeks, as our busy lives permit, and tell the story as it develops here. Not so much for your sake, as for our own enjoyment.
Our first adventure was Rich Harrison's To Eagles Eyrie and Journey's End, which took us six sessions to play through end-to-end, and brought us from Esgaroth down the Long Marshes, across Mirkwood, through the Anduin Dales and finally to Amon Thyryr.