Introducing The Fellowship
That's Anders, and in order Jens, Tom and finally me, in the midst of an incursion against an orc scouting party on the old Dwarven road. This was our first more structured combat situation, and I think I'm starting to get the hang out of how to get the most out of Roll20. We'll see soon enough.
I'd like to run Roll20 full-screen, but beyond referring to my notes, which Roll20 doesn't really support, and Google Hangout, which my players prefer, that'll have to wait. We've got a mix of screens in our party, me with one 27" and Tom and Anders with dual large screen setups (who knows what kind of monitor Jens is on; probably his phone). So while I'm whining about running out of space (and me having to have much more reference materials on hand that everyone else), they prefer to split the load between their screens.
I'm hoping that battle isn't lost just yet.
I still haven't found a good way to keep track of which enemies are on which companions during combat; in the above case it becomes a bit much with all the tokens bunched up like that. I might have a separate set of tokens off to the side to track that with.
Also, I think I'll start using the turn tracker to show the stances of the companions, but for that I think I'll have to write a script, since I don't want to input it manually.