Return of the Dork
Well, he’s at it again, your old Loremaster. It’s been ages since I last played in Middle-earth, but recently I’ve been getting back into MERP (and Rolemaster and Space Master and many other things). I’ve been buying a bunch of older modules (at great expense, I might add, these things are worth their weight in gold!) and have been slowly wrapping my head around MERP’s representation of Middle-earth, the system itself and so on.
I made a character recently, using 2nd ed. Of all the things I love I.C.E. materials for, editing is not one of them. Not once, but twice I ran into a block of unnecessary text trying to sell me on the benefits of Rolemaster, in the midst of character generation. Sheesh!
Anyway, I wanted to get back into sharing a few finds and rekindled the flame on this old thing again to do so. First up I wanted to share an interview with Anders Blixt, the lead author on Kin-Strife, a campaign module I recently bought for MERP 2nd edition.
One of the reasons I started buying up older modules was because I wanted to re-scan all of Peter Fenlon’s maps and make them available at a truly high resolution (not just ‘fairly high resolution’). Still a long way to go, but so far so good.